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Dognet (by Scott Bartlett)

The dog would not shut up. Begging for food. Whining to be walked. Usual dog stuff. But somehow, it was worse now that she was using words. They’d run the talk show circuit, of course. The whole family shuffling into camera view. Awkward smiles. It didn’t last long. There was a movie deal that failed […]

A Blue Spotted Sausage

Once upon a time in a land not far away lived a handsome Dachshund called Max. Like all sausage dogs Max was not aware that he was shorter than other dogs. In fact Max thought he was the biggest dog in town.  This meant Max wasn’t shy about chasing any of the bitches no matter […]


Which Planet?

Dogs are not from Pluto, they are definitely from Earth. They live in the moment and revel in every sight, sound and smell. Men are not from Mars and nor are women from Venus, but they might as well be for how little they connect with their planet. If they don’t have their nose stuck […]


Dog’s Breakfast

I know I get fed rather well at home and I manage to score my fair share of treats but I still enjoy foraging for my own breakfast out on the streets. Some might say it’s a bad habit I’ve acquired somehow or perhaps it’s just in my genes. The best day for found food […]


A Dream

  Last night I had a dream. I dreamt I had a perfect dog. A dog that always came the instant it was called and not one that only obliged when it had nothing more pressing to attend to. A dog that never got sick or misbehaved. A dog that never felt the urge to […]


Slow and Smelly

The sun is rising through dewy windows and the darkness is fading. Birds start to sing in the new day and in the distance aeroplanes line up for landing at the airport. It is the end of curfew. But does the slow and smelly biped wake up? No, he never does until I disturb him […]

Best Hunter Fur

Heavy Petting

The longer I know my dogs the stronger our attachment to each other becomes. We actually seem to have developed a physical need to stay in each other’s company. I think this might be an Oxytocin addiction; the love and cuddle hormone that is released in my body and their bodies when I stroke them. […]

A Phoebe


Many people have described how there was one good teacher in their schooling that inspired them and changed their lives. I was not so fortunate. All of my teachers were rather average. It didn’t help that in classes of more than sixty boys that most of their time and energy went on maintaining order. My […]