After my dear standard poodle died, I thought I should adopt a rescue. I have always thought that a greyhound would be the right choice. My nephew has had three of the breed as rescues. They are loving, calm, really nice dogs. I did find out when I rescued Alice that some are treated rather brutally. I am not sure how Alice was treated. However, I do know that the director of the Greyhound Transfer told me that she was the only dog that ever appeared with a toy which had a piece of cloth attached with her name Alice. She won her first race and after that she was shipped all over Florida. She never won another race. The director told me that she was about to be put down when they collected her somewhere in Florida. Adopting a female greyhound is not easy. My nephew adopted two males and a female. The female had the most difficult time adjusting. And I had the same problem with Alice. She had very difficult separation anxieties. I tried everything I could think of. She chewed lots of pieces of my furniture. She eventually settled in. What I tried one day was to give her a treat when I left and it worked like a charm. Perhaps she thought my leaving was a good thing. Anyway, it’s been three years. She and my young Scottie Dugal are very bonded. She treats him as if he was her puppy. They play several times during the day. She is very affectionate and the way she looks into my eyes, I think she dearly loves me. I dearly love her.
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