Dogs are not from Pluto, they are definitely from Earth. They live in the moment and revel in every sight, sound and smell. Men are not from Mars and nor are women from Venus, but they might as well be for how little they connect with their planet. If they don’t have their nose stuck in a smart phone or a laptop or a book, then they’re isolated in some artificial steel and glass tower with recycled air. No other animal but man is capable of destroying whole ecosystems just to gain a few dollars to buy some value added luxury goods that become worthless after a few orbits around the sun.
Dogs don’t need us. If we disappeared from the planet they would revert to their old wild ways hunting in packs. We need dogs though. For most of us they are our only contact with another species, our only contact with the wild and the environment. When we need to recharge our batteries we always go somewhere more natural like a beach, an island, a mountain or a forest.
But you don’t have to go that far or spend that much to get the same effect. Just put your phone down, take your earplugs out and go for a walk with your dog. Sniff the air as your dog does. Try and hear what he hears. Watch how he relates to the world around him. I guarantee you’ll come back feeling better.
(Image courtesy xedos4/
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